The Sea Forest is not dead!

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Hello, all!

I apologize for not updating in so long. I’ve actually made a big move. I’m talking from NYC all the way to China! Yeah, getting used to a new job and a new country isn’t easy. Unfortunately, blogging had to take a backseat for a time.

But fear not friends; I have a lot planned. I will update you all about my life here in the Middle Kingdom as well as my future projects. I’m currently in the beginning stages of two new books which I am very excited about. They will be a different experience from The Moon Moth, I can tell you that much. Oh, and I will share my sketches and doodles too, just for kicks.

So, stay tuned for future updates, OK? Ok! And please feel free to send me a message with any questions, comments, or suggestions for future posts. I will be sure to read them and answer anything.

